Crossing the Midline
What is meant by crossing the body’s mid-line?
The body’s mid-line is an imaginary line down the centre of the body that divides the body into left and right. Crossing the body’s mid-line is the ability to reach across the middle of the body with the arms and legs. This allows children to cross over their body to perform a task on the opposite side of their body (e.g. being able to draw a horizontal line across a page without having to switch hands in the middle, sitting cross-legged on the floor, or being able to insert puzzle pieces using the dominant right hand when the puzzle is placed on the left-hand side of the body.
Why is crossing the mid-line important?
Crossing the body’s mid-line is an important developmental skill needed for many everyday tasks such as drawing or writing, putting on a sock and shoe with both hands, eating with utensils, and hitting a ball with a bat. When a child spontaneously crosses the mid-line with the dominant hand, then the dominant hand gets the practice needed to develop good fine motor skills by repeated and consistent hand dominance. If a child avoids crossing the mid-line, then both hands tend to get equal practice at developing skills and the child’s true handedness may be delayed. This means that once a child starts school, learning to write is much more difficult when they have two less skilled hands rather than one stronger, more skilled (dominant) hand. Difficulty crossing the mid-line also makes it challenging to visually track a moving object from one side to the other (left to right) when reading, meaning reading can also be delayed.What building blocks are necessary to develop successful crossing of the mid-line?
Body awareness: is the information that muscles and joints send to the brain to inform us of our body’s position Bilateral integration skills: means using both sides of the body at the same time. Dominance: is the consistent use of one hand or foot most often that allows refined movement control to develop. Core stability: The muscles of the trunk help to stabilize the body so the arms and legs can be moved with control. Planning & Sequencing: The ability to successfully follow multi-step instructions to achieve a defined outcome or endpoint.-Problems crossing the mid-line?
When a child has difficulties crossing the body mid-line , they might also have difficulties with:- Pencil based activities: The child may avoid these activities.
- Behaviour: The child may become angry or frustrated when engaging in fine motor activities due to less refined hand skills.
- Performing self-care tasks independently (age influenced).
- Coordinating both sides of the body so that physical skills are less refined than those of their same aged peers.
- Reading which requires eye movement from left to right.
- Noticing all of the details on a page when copying drawings or writing.
- Keeping up in class due to poor handwriting skills.
- Participating in sports that require good coordination (e.g. soccer, netball, tennis).
- Increased pressure and anxiety in a school aged child as it is expected that most self care skills are independent or requiring only minimal assistance.
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Activities which can help improve crossing the mid-line.
- Craft: Threading beads, cutting and pasting, folding paper.
- Finger Puppets: Placing finger puppets on one hand and encouraging the child to remove the puppets with the opposite hand.
- Peg boards: placing pegs across a pegboard encourages body movement from left to right and visa versa.
- Dominoes: while matching dominoes the child will cross the mid-line to reach for and place pieces.
- Twister: Playing ‘Twister’.
- Marching games and playing ‘windmill’ using their arms and legs.
- Blocks and Percussion: Getting the child to bang blocks or percussion instruments together in their mid-line.
- Simon Says: Playing ‘Simon Says’.
- Streamers: Getting the child to make streamers or ribbon circles and patterns in front of their mid-line (use two hands together or one in each hand).
- Stickers: Placing stickers on one arm and encouraging the child to remove them with the opposite hand.